


A archive of our Sunday Funday craft projects!

What is Sunday Funday? It's a day devoted to fun, creativity, and messiness!  It's kids not following simple instructions, it's things not turning out quite right, it's the art of entirely scrapping the result you envisioned in your head and accepting the out come you actually get.  In short, it's life, and when you learn to accept it, it becomes special and fun!

There are few rules to Sunday Funday:
  • Have fun.
  • Imperfect is Perfect!
  • Messes can be cleaned
  • Fun can be inexpensive (under $20!)
  • It's all about the kids, not the image in Mommy's (or Daddy's) head.

Check back here for regular posts of #SundayFunday crafts!

#SundayFunday: Miniature Bird Houses
#SundayFunday: Pet Rocks
#SundayFunday: Valentine's Day Treats for Teachers