

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

#VodkaBreak: Red Headed Step-Child

It's whipped, red, and delicious -perfect for a #VodkaBreak

My bestie's bday was this week, and we magically managed to have a kid free night.  Two boxes of red hair dye, some sprite, grenadine, and $30 in vodka later, we were ready for a Girls Night In. The result was some fabu new red hair, and a redhead inspired drink to share with all of you lovely readers.

Red Headed Step Child Cocktail recipe
Pinnacle Whipped


Whipped Cream flavored vodka (We used Pinnacle Whipped Vodka)
Maraschino cherries
Tall 8-10 oz water glass


2 oz whipped vodka, poured over ice
Add 1 oz Grenadian
Top off glass with sprite
Garnish with cherries

Red Headed Step Child Cocktail recipe
Yeah, it's a baby spoon. We're Moms. Don't judge us.

Red Headed Step Child Cocktail recipe
Seriously. 4 of them.




Shelby whipped this up, and it is DELICIOUS! The whipped cream flavor adds some heft and

smoothness to the citrus of the sprite, but it's still very light and has a sparkling quality. Warning: you almost can't taste the liquor in this! I'm pretty sure I downed 4 by my self, and the two of us finished off a full bottle by ourselves! I will say, however, neither of us were hangover the next day - I credit the sprite!

Next time you need a Vodka Break, grab some Pinnacle Whipped vodka, and give a Red Headed Step-Child a try!

This is NOT a sponsored, post. Recipe, and purchase, completely by us!!


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