

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Benefits of Friendship

Ladies and gentlemen, there are very few things in the world with more value than a good friend. Whether a pen pal from across the country, the neighbor next door, or someone a few hours down the road, having someone who you can talk to can be the difference between surviving in life, and life being enjoyable.

I am blessed with great friends! My friend. Shelby, for example, is a first rate make up artist and hair stylist. Twice now she’s driven hours to do my make up for an event, or, tonight, to whip up a fun new color, cut, and style for my hair, free of charge!  I am FEELING the love.

And, according to research, all the love I feel from my friends can have long term, life altering benefits! 

According to Psychology Today, friends are important to our development and mental health. Among the impact friends have on us, friends support you, help define your priorities, and help you feel less lonely.  Friends help us develop as children, find our place as teens, and navigate the trials of life as adults. 

Additional research shows that having friends can lessen risk of death in cancer patients and people with heart conditions, and increase longevity. A 2006 study shows that women suffering breast cancer are 4 times as likely to survive if they have a circle of close friends, regardless of how close they live to those friends. In fact, friends are more important to the success rates of cancer survivors than even family or spouses, making friendships some of the most important relationships of your life!  Rebecca G. Adams, a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro says of her research on friendships, “Friendship has a bigger impact on our psychological well-being than family relationships.”

My BFF Shelby - Isn't she GORGEOUS?!?
For me, the psychological benefit is almost always instantaneous. When I’m in a foul mood, texting a friend or writing a letter can lighten it. When I’m stressed, my friends can usually get me laughing to help reduce my stress. 

And in a truly bad month, a friend going out of her way to let me know she cares can be the best medicine of all.

Who is your best friend? What impact do they have on your life? Let me know in the comments!


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